Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Halloween Poster

For this project i used a dark background with orange text to create contrast so the shapes stood out, the same with the dark bats on the light gradient background. I aligned the trees and gravestones along the "ground" so there were no floating stones or trees. I grouped the bats and the tombstones int the same general area to create proximity.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Halloween Text

With this tutorial i learned how to create and manipulate graphics styles, as well as how to use the transform tool and effects. I also improved my problem solving skills because I encountered a lot of strange issues that took a while to figure out.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Water Pollution Add

I used a neutral brown and solid black to add contrast and draw attention to the text. I used the same font for the text i emphasized, and a different text for the things that are less important. I aligned most of the text to the left and kept a general box like shape for the text. I grouped all the text and straight lines together and the rounder shapes like the water drop in different proximity to create better flow and alignment.

Friday, October 4, 2013


The easiest step was creating the basic text shape; warping the W and making the paws with the ellipse tool. The hardest part was creating the fur and getting the strokes to look right, along with figuring out which colors look best overall.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Lyric Typography

I broke up the lyrics and organized them according to the emphasis used in the song- the words night, silhouette, sweet, and violet were heavily emphasized. To further emphasize the words, i created effects and shape to bring out the meaning. I added a gradient to the word night to make it seem like it was in the dark or shadows. The tapered lines leading into the word silhouette draw attention to it. The word sweet is also emphasized in the song, i created this emphasis with the lines underneath. The word violet is sung in a broken manner, so i spaced the letters further apart to convey this. I used the color purple because the text says the color, and it creates an eerie and mysterious feeling that appears through the song. I made the text white on a black background to emphasize that it takes place at night with the moon shining.
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