Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Color Theory Worksheet

Color Theory Worksheet

Please read the materials listed below and answer the following questions:

Please type out answers in complete sentences.  You may paraphrase.  Please do NOT copy and paste definitions. 

  1. Define hue:  distinguishes one color from another
  2. Define value:  the lightness or darkness of a color
  3. Define saturation: the brightness of a color
  4. How many colors are available on our computers?  millions
  5. Define secondary color:  two primaries mixes together
  6. Define tertiary color:  a primary plus a nearby secondary
  7. Define complementary colors:  colors that sit on opposite sides of the color wheel
  8. What are the primary colors in Photoshop?  Red, green, and blue
  9. What are the secondary colors in Photoshop?  Cyan, magenta, and yellow
  10. Define subtractive color model:  based on how inks mix together to create black
  11. Define additive color model:  based on the way light mixes on a computer screen to where when you mix colors it creates white
  12. Is RGB additive or subtractive? additive
  13. Is CMYK additive or subtractive?  subtractive
  14. What is the RGB color model used for? Computer screens
  15. What is the CMYK color model used for?  Prints using ink
  16. Define analogous colors: colors that sit next to each other on the color wheel
  17. Define tint: when white is mixed with a pure color
  18. Define shade:  when black is mixed with a pure  color
  19. Define neutral: combination of complementary colors
  20. What can be said in general about warm colors? They tend to jump out and are prominent
  21. What can be said in general about cool colors?  Tend to recede
  22. What color is associated with stability? blue
  23. What color symbolizes royalty? purple
  24. What is the color of cleanliness? white
  25. What color symbolizes freshness? yellow
  26. Which colors are associated with joy? yellow
  27. What color symbolizes passion and danger?  red
  28. Dark red is associated with: vigor, willpower, rage, courage
  29. Reddish-brown is associated with: harvest and fall
  30. Dark orange is associated with: deceit and distrust
  31. Gold is associated with: prestige, wisdom and wealth
  32. Yellow is associated with: joy, happiness, and energy
  33. Dark green is associated with:  ambition, greed, and jealousy
  34. Olive green is associated with: peace
  35. Light blue is associated with: health, healing, tranquility and softness
  36.  Dark purple is associated with: gloom and frustration
  37. Why is the use of color important in graphic Design? Graphic design is about conveying a message or feeling, and the color itself brings forth strong feelings, so using the right colors can make a message much more meaningful and effective. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

One Word Art

I positioned the word at the top of the canvas because drop usually fall from a high place. I created a path in the shape of a water drop to give the text the appearance of falling water. I edited the size and shape of the rs so that they became larger and slanted toward the center. I edited the d and p  so that they also led into the drop. I moved the i down and made it a bit longer so it looked like a water drop. i positioned the words so that they fell down in a drop-like shape.

Friday, September 20, 2013


I used shape to create a circular shape with the words "earth" and "art" because the shape of the earth is round. I emphasized the words earth, art, and eh because they are the focal points of the quote, and created less emphasis around the other words because they are not as important.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Glyph Monster

For the glyph monster project i chose to do one of the minions from Despicable Me. I had a little difficulty with figuring out where to place the glyphs, but besides that I had no difficulties.
-source immage

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Typography Worksheet

Typography Worksheet:
Write out the answers to these questions in complete sentences. 
Label and define all of the above numbers:
1. ascender line               
2. Base line
3. Ascender height
4. Cap height
5.  descender
6. ascender
7.  X-height
8.cap line
9.  Mean line
10.  Descender line

Define Serif: font style where there are little stickey outey things jutting out from the letters
Define Sans-Serif:  fonts which don’t have stickey outey things
When do you use Antique Fonts? When you wish to evoke a period or historic feel
At most how many words should be Decorative Fonts at a time? 3
What does a script font resemble? handwriting
What element of design does script represent? (From elements lesson) line, space, shape
Why use Symbol Fonts? To embellish or complement texts

Define Typography:  the art and process of arranging type for a variety of media purpses.
Why do designers need a solid foundation in typography? So they know how to utilize text to the fullest and most accurate extent
Kerning: the space in between each individual letter, can be manipulated to make text easier to read
Leading: the space between lines of text, used to give things a greater or smaller sense of space
Tracking: “rivers” of white space in text created by inaccurate alignments
When do you use the following?
Center Alignment: to draw attention to something, such as a headline or title
Right Alignment: crisp and clean, used for professional and corporate media
Justified Alignment:  perfect alignment on both sides, usually in textbooks or newspaper  print
What is remembered: good styling or bad styling? Bad styling is more memorable
What is legibility? The ability to read something clearly
Type size smaller than 7pt is: difficult to read and type
Type size smaller than 3pts is: illegible
Type range for legible type is: 8pt to 14pt
What do you use for long passages? serif
What case do we use for Body? Upper and lower case
What is measure? The width of the text column
What can you tell me about Ragged Edges? Depending on the side alignment, it is more legible or less legible
What are some ways text can be used and what font types do you use for each?
to create a picture, and to create or remove emphasis from certain aspects of an image

Choosing and Using Type:  http://www.will-harris.com/use-type.htm
**Read ALL of it.  Answer the following:
Why is choosing and using the right font important? (Two reasons)
To properly convey the message or idea you are trying to present
To ensure that everything is clear and legible
What are the two most important things to remember?   Type is on  the page to serve the text, and there are no good and bad typefaces
What is appropriate? What do you have to consider?  You should heavily consider the audience; who will be reading it, will they be able to read/understand it, is your goal to appear formal or informal, etc

Tell me the rules:  (there are 10)
1: body text should be between 10 and 12 point
2: use enough leading, always add at least 1 or 2 points to the type size
3: don’t make your lines too short or too long
4: make paragraph beginnings clear
5: use only one space after a period
6: don’t justify text unless you have to
7: don’t underline anything
8: use italics instead of underlines
9: don’t set long blocks of text in italics, bold, or all caps

10: leave more space above headlines and subheads than below them, and avoid setting them in all caps.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Dirty Water Drop

For this project i used various tools, such as pathfinder and gradient to create many of the effects seen. The pen tool was used to create the wave shape in the middle of the drop. I also created a scatter brush to create the specks floating in the water drop.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Peen Tool Practice

Simple Shapes

For this assignment, I mainly used the ellipse tool to create the various shapes, editing it with other tools along the way. I used the knife and shape builder tool to create the more complicated shapes like the shadow on the basketball tool and the curly hair. The transform tool was used to warp ovals to make them look like feet.