Friday, November 15, 2013

Packaging Research

Product Packaging

This is a research report to prepare for your next assignment as a designer.  You will review existing product packaging for it’s values and answer the questions for each product.  You must evaluate the packaging on 4 products.  2 Food and 2 Clothing.  

Define Product Packaging: 

Wikipedia gives 9 purposes for product packaging.  What are they?

1)    Physical protection
2) Barrier Protection
4)information transmission
7)anti counterfeit packaging
9)portion control

Food Product #1
1) Name of the product: Lays
2) Picture of the Product
3) What is the focus of the product packaging? Making the food appear appetizing
4) What do you like most about the product? The consistency between the various products
5) What do you like least about the product? The name of the individual product looks like it was slapped on without any care to the font
6) List items on the product, list all!  Logo, picture of chips and key ingredients, name of type of chip, ingredients, serving size ect.
7) What kind of packaging does it have?  Bag
 Does it  have one package inside another? No
 8) How many sides of the container are covered with information? All of them
9) Does it have a repeated pattern anywhere on the product? no
10) Why would you pick this product over its competitor? There is a large variation and I know it will taste good
11) What age is the audience of this product? Younger people, college students, high schoolers, or couples with children. 

Food Product #2
1) Name of the product: Hershey’s chocolate
2) Picture of the Product
3) What is the focus of the product packaging? To keep the chocolate from falling apart
4) What do you like most about the product? The simplicity of the design, it is very easy to tell that they are selling chocolate
5) What do you like least about the product? The wrapper can be difficult to open at times
6) List items on the product, list all!  Name of company, name of product, nutrition ingredients, serving size, ingredients, info about the product and company.
7) What kind of packaging does it have?  Paper like plastic wrapping or foil.  have one package inside another? Yes, when many small pieces area in a smaller bag
8) How many sides of the container are covered with information? All of them that are big enough
9) Does it have a repeated pattern anywhere on the product? no
10) Why would you pick this product over its competitor? It’s the most popular and I know its good
11) What age is the audience of this product? Anyone who likes chocolate

Clothing Product #1
1) Name of the product: Gortz shoelaces
2) Picture of the Product (Paste here)
3) What is the focus of the product packaging? To be eye catching and creative, less functional and more pretty looking
4) What do you like most about the product? How original and creative it is, and how it creatively it sells the product
5) What do you like least about the product? It may not look like they are trying to sell shoelaces
6) List items on the package. Logo, brand name, artist name, price and probably some other hidden things.
7) What kind of packaging does it have?  Box
8) How many sides of the container are covered with information? Only one is visible
9) Does it have a repeated pattern anywhere on the product?. no
10) Does it have a slogan or a motivational saying? No, it has a logo
11) Why do they have a slogan or motivation saying?
12) Why would you pick this product over its competitor? It is creative and eye catching, not a boring rectangular package like all of the other brands.
13) What age is the audience of this product? Younger children

Clothing Product #2
1) Name of the product: BANDiful
2) Picture of the Product (Paste here)
3) What is the focus of the product packaging? To be convenient and eye catching.
4) What do you like most about the product? Its genius and solves a problem that anyone that uses bandaids has experienced
5) What do you like least about the product? It’s a bit bulky, it would be best to have it in a cabinet at home
6) List items on the package.
7) What kind of packaging does it have? Foldable box thing.Does it  have one package inside another?  The bandaids are wrapped inside the box
8) How many sides of the container are covered with information? Definitely the front, the back most likely does too
9) Does it have a repeated pattern anywhere on the product?. Yes, on the bandaid and on the picture on the front
10) Does it have a slogan or a motivational saying? If so, type it out.  no
11) Why do they have a slogan or motivation saying? 
12) Why would you pick this product over- it solves the problem of battling with bandaids and makes it easier to apply them
13) What age is the audience of this product? Parents with young children

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